Free Grab- and- Go Food Distribution
The School Food Service grab-and-go food distribution has changed. Rather than a twice-a-week pick-up, distributions will now be held weekly on Thursdays at 89 school locations across the District.
Parents/guardians will receive a box of pantry-style foods including a supply of breakfasts, lunches, snacks, and suppers intended to last for seven days.
Pick-up times vary by location. For a full list of locations and pick-up times, click here.
All children 18 years of age and younger (22 and younger for ESE) are eligible for the free meals, regardless of financial need.
Children do not have to be registered in a School District of Palm Beach County-operated school to receive food. Parents do not need to visit their child’s school for food distribution, they can visit any location of their choice. Distribution times and locations are subject to change.
A child does not have to be present to pick up meals. However, one of the following forms of identification is required to receive meals at the food distribution sites: Student ID Badge, Student Barcode Letter (that can be found in your child’s student portal), Passport, Birth Certificate, or Library Card. The adult picking up the meals can also bring a picture that has themselves and the children for whom they are picking up food, in the photo.
Meals may contain allergens. Adults picking up the food are asked to be vigilant and ensure they do not take food if allergies may be a concern. Food should be refrigerated or discarded if not consumed upon receipt. For everyone’s health and safety, a facial covering or mask is required when picking up meals at any school food distribution site.
This information was provided by The School District of Palm Beach County.