Scholarship and Financial Aid.
Looking for money to pay for school? Please see the links below:
Local Scholarships provided by the School District of Palm Beach County
Looking for money to pay for school? Please see the links below:
Local Scholarships provided by the School District of Palm Beach County
¿Busca dinero para pagar la escuela? Consulte los enlaces a continuación:
Becas locales proporcionadas por el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Palm Beach.
¿Está interesado en ser voluntario en una de nuestras escuelas de distrito?
Al pensar en el voluntariado, es bueno saber:
El grupo de edad con el que prefiere trabajar (primaria, secundaria o preparatoria).
El lugar donde preferiría ser voluntario.
Are you interested in volunteering at one of our District Schools?
When thinking about volunteering, it is good to know:
The age group you prefer to work with (Elementary, Middle, or High School).
The location where you would prefer to volunteer.
La Universidad para Padres es un recurso a pedido creado para ayudar a los padres a convertirse en socios plenos en la educación de sus hijos.
Parent University is an on-demand resource created to help parents become full partners in their child’s education. Our goal is to increase collaboration and involvement between schools,
The School Food Service grab-and-go food distribution has changed. Rather than a twice-a-week pick-up, distributions will now be held weekly on Thursdays at 89 school locations across the District.
La distribución de comida para llevar del Servicio de Alimentos Escolares ha cambiado. En lugar de recoger dos veces por semana,
The School District of Palm Beach County is committed to providing our families with resources and activities to support at-home learning for all of our students.
Over the coming weeks, you and your student may wish to access the various content-specific learning
El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Palm Beach está comprometido en proporcionar a nuestras familias los recursos y
actividades para apoyar el aprendizaje en casa para todos nuestros estudiantes.
Durante las próximas semanas, ustedes y su hijo/a pueda que deseen tener acceso a varias